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All works for
Large Print London

Brand Design Works:

  • Setting Brand Identity:
    • Created a distinctive brand logo.
    • Defined a cohesive brand color palette.
    • Established a unique brand typography.
  • Graphic Design:
    • Developed 150+ pieces of artwork for various purposes.
    • Crafted 20+ custom icons for brand representation.
    • Produced 7 promotional slide videos to enhance brand visibility.

WEB and UI UX:

  • Website Architecture:
    • Designed the website wireframe for a clear structure.
    • Developed a robust website structure for optimal user experience.
    • Implemented interlinking for seamless navigation.
  • UI/UX Design:
    • Executed UX writing to enhance user understanding.
    • Created responsive designs for optimal viewing on mobile devices.
    • Designed customized headers and footers for a polished look.
    • Developed feature sections and FAQ layouts for over 30 products.
    • Designed 30+ individual product pages for a comprehensive showcase.

Digital Marketing:

  • SEO Optimization:
    • Crafted SEO-friendly content for enhanced online visibility.
    • Executed on-site SEO strategies to improve search engine ranking.

Used Software and Tech:

  • Design Tools:
    • Leveraged Figma for collaborative design processes.
    • Utilized Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator for detailed graphic work.
    • Employed Canva for additional design elements.
    • Integrated Smart Mockup for realistic product presentations.
  • Development Platforms:
    • Conducted research and development to inform design decisions.
    • Incorporated Chat GPT for language-related tasks.
    • Employed WordPress as the website development platform.
    • Leveraged Elementor Pro for enhanced page building.

Performance Metrics:

  • Conducted a comprehensive GT Matrix Report.
  • Achieved an overall site grade of “A”.
  • Attained a 97% score for website performance.
  • Secured a 95% score for site structure.

GT Metrix Full Report


The collaborative efforts resulted in a visually appealing brand identity, a user-friendly website, and excellent digital performance. The GT Matrix Report reflects the success of the project, showcasing high scores in both performance and structure. The use of diverse design tools and platforms contributed to a well-rounded and effective online presence for Large Print London.


Web Solution


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Let’s transform your ideas into captivating designs. Connect with us, and let’s create something extraordinary together!

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